In the past few days I've kept it a bit easier, visiting the lovely Portabello Road (unfortunately not during market hours, but will definitely be returning).
Today's big adventure was to pop over to the London Film Museum at County Hall which is located off of the Waterloo tube stop right next to the London Eye.

I mostly went to see the large Chaplin display they have, but there were many other fun things as well!

Mr. Bean's Uniform from Mr. Bean's Holiday, a demonstration in rear projection, Han Solo in Carbonite, and much much more!

I exited on the river side of the museum and caught a glorious view of Big Ben and Parliment!

Then I went over to the Greenwich Market, which I'd say is the farthest I've ever been from home. I traveled on the Above ground rail system called the "DLR". Sort of confusing, but finally got there.
Had a delightful "Moorish" dish for 5 Quid, and then an adorable vegan cupcake with edible glitter! Jolly good nosh!

Tonight I am attending the Action to the Word's production of The Merchant of Venice at Camden People's Theatre. I saw some trailer's of this group's work and I'm very excited.
Tomorrow I may head over to Spitalfields Market and possibly check out another museum!
Who knows where the road will lead us!
Dear Lindsay, I am thoroughly enjoying reading about your adventures!